6 Ways an On-Site Fitness Center Rejuvenates a Company

Jul 8, 2024 | Resources & Best Practices, Tenant Amenities, Wellness Centers

If you’re noticing a decline in productivity, high rates of absenteeism, and low employee morale, it may be time to rejuvenate your company by building an onsite fitness center. Employees who have access to a workplace fitness center and virtual fitness and wellness programming can keep up with their healthy lifestyles without having to invest in a gym membership or compromise their busy schedules. Encouraging work-life balance and promoting a wellness philosophy could help you retain employees for the long run because they feel like their employer cares about their health and well-being.

Here are six ways an onsite fitness center can rejuvenate a company:

A workplace fitness center promotes your company’s wellness philosophy.

1. Promotes a Wellness Philosophy

A wellness-centered company may be more attractive to prospective employees and encourage current employees to stay with the company because their employer is invested in their health. Adding an onsite fitness center to your list of workplace amenities could help you attract and retain quality employees.

2. Improves Work-Life Balance

Building a fitness center at the workplace may encourage employees to enjoy some work-life balance. Some employees who work long hours or overtime regularly will appreciate the opportunity to break away for a lunchtime workout or get their workout in first thing in the morning before a busy day.

3. Boosts Productivity

The Harvard Business Review reports on the mental benefits of regular exercise, pointing to compelling evidence that suggests our workout regimen is directly linked to concentration, memory, learning ability, and creativity. Exercise can also boost moods which has a direct effect on workplace performance.

4. Improves Employee Morale

Workers who feel like their employers care about them may be more cooperative, productive, and happier overall. Announcing that you are opening a private gym specifically for employee use could boost employee morale – it’s a clear indication of the company investing in its employees.

Encourage employees to work out regularly to boost productivity.

5. Can Reduce Absenteeism

The American Institute for Preventive Medicine found that for every $1 invested in worksite wellness programs, companies experienced a return of $5.82 in reduced absenteeism. Companies with worksite wellness programs can effectively boost employee morale and improve employee health, and reduce the risk of absenteeism. Encouraging employees to workout regular at the workplace fitness center and adopt healthy lifestyle habits could contribute to reduced absenteeism.

6. Helps Employees Manage Stress Effectively

Stressed employees may be more likely to need time off work or they may compromise their ability to perform their jobs optimally. The American Psychological Association reports that exercise may improve mental health by helping the brain cope with stress effectively. Being sedentary – something that most of your employees do for a good portion of the workday – makes the body less efficient in responding to stress. Having access to a workplace fitness center could be a valuable asset to many stressed employees.

If you’re ready to add a fitness center to your workplace environment to offer wellness benefits to your employees, talk to Active Wellness, a leading fitness center management and consulting company. Active Wellness can assist with all aspects of the planning and design process, equipment purchases, and day-to-day management of your fitness center.


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